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Community Feedback Needed for Erickson Avenue Area Study

HARRISONBURG, Va. – Community members who regularly use infrastructure along and near Erickson Avenue now have an opportunity to provide feedback that will help inform priorities and recommendations for future transportation improvements.

The Erickson Avenue Area Study public questionnaire will be used to help create a new small area plan for the Erickson Avenue corridor and adjacent areas between South High Street and South Main Street. Additional streets include Pear Street, West Mosby Road, Pleasant Hill Road, Willow Hill Road, and other public streets within the study area. The plan will include transportation infrastructure improvement recommendations for the study area that reflect the current and future needs of the community. It will be informed by the City of Harrisonburg’s Comprehensive Plan, an analysis and assessment of existing and anticipated future development and transportation conditions, and feedback from the community and stakeholders.

The plan will guide transportation infrastructure investments made by the City or constructed with development of property in the area. Examples of potential investments include the addition of turn lanes or other changes at
intersections, construction of new public streets and addition of sidewalks, bike lanes or other improvements along existing streets.

"We need your feedback on the transportation experiences you have within the study area,” Harrisonburg Public Works Director Tom Hartman urged community members. “We want to know how current transportation facilities – roads, roadway markings, intersections, sidewalks, etc. – are serving you. We also want to know what is most important to you, and what you want to see changed or improved, whether you travel through the study area in a vehicle, by walking or rolling, riding a bike or riding the bus. Your input will play a crucial role in shaping initial plans that will be presented to the community in the future."

The public may participate in the questionnaire online by visiting The questionnaire is available in the English, Spanish, Arabic, and Kurdish languages and is available now until March 10.

The community is encouraged to participate and share the questionnaire with other users of the corridor to ensure the Harrisonburg community’s perspective is captured. The results will be evaluated following the questionnaire and potential recommendations for future improvements will be developed. A public meeting will be held later this year to gather feedback on study concepts and recommendations. The study is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

Written or oral questions and comments may also be submitted to Brittany Clem-Hott by emailing or calling 540-434-5928.

The City of Harrisonburg is centrally located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. It is home to approximately 55,990 people. More information about the City of Harrisonburg is available online at

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