Town of Elkton Christmas Tree Lighting and Old Town Christmas

OH WHAT FUN! Please join the Town of Elkton for a Christmas Tree lighting and Old Town Christmas.
Hay Wagon Rides, hot chocolate, hot apple cider and cookies by Big L Tire
Cookies by Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Bible Holiness Choir will perform and have free popcornGoodie bags and games by Church of the Nazarene East Rock Campus
Free books and bookmarkers by Massanutten Regional Library
Free Face Painting
A visit from Santa with a goodie bag for each child
A visit from the Grinch with a treat for each child
Hay wagon rides begin at 5 pm, tree lighting at 6 pm. Stay tuned for more details.
Town of Elkton Christmas Tree Lightin...
Date and Time
Saturday Dec 7, 2024
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
Saturday, December 7th from 4 pm - 7 pm
Contact Information
Delores Hammer
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