Pleasant View's 26th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Pleasant View's Charity Golf Tournament
Lakeview Golf Course
Friday, May 12, 2023
For 52 years, Pleasant View has been providing home and community-based services for individuals who have intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community. You can support these services and activities and make it possible for individuals with disabilities to live-in and enrich their communities by joining us at Pleasant View's 26th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
The tournament will be held:
When: Friday, May 12, 2023
Where: Lakeview Golf Course
4101 Shen Lake DR,
Harrisonburg VA, 22801
History of Event: In May of 1998, a parent of an individual supported at Pleasant View, Terry Taylor Sr., helped Pleasant View, Inc. organize our first Charity Golf Tournament. The fundraising impact of the golf tournament has been great. Through the years our generous sponsors and golfers have raised over $434,053 to help provide home and community-based supports for individuals who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. In 2022, our golf tournament raised over $20,400.00.
Tournament Format: Captain's Choice
Registration: begins at 8:00 AM, with a shotgun start at 9:10 AM
To register using PayPal go to our events page and scroll to our Golf Event. Use drop-down menu and "Add to Cart" buttons below for the convenience of paying online. The 2.2%+.30 processing fee has been added to each item. Please register before April 28, 2023 to aid with planning.
To register or sponsor with no credit card processing fee, please mail check to Pleasant View, Inc. Attention: Pam Miller, PO Box 426, Broadway, Va. 22815. For your convenience, you can include payments for Powerballs and Mulligans with your registration.
Team Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Teams. Mulligans, Powerballs, and 50/50 will be offered online in the days leading up to the tournament and at registration. We will have closest to the pin and longest drive contests. Lunch will be provided as team prizes, contest prizes, and door prizes are drawn and awarded. Call Pam Miller at 540-560-1134 for more information.

Date and Time
Friday May 12, 2023
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
Friday May 12, 2023 registration starts at 8am, Shotgun start at 9am
Lakeview Golf Club 1401 Shen Lake DR, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
The price per golfer is $115 or $440 per team. Sponsorships are still available. Contact Pam Miller at 540-560-1134
Contact Information
Pamela Miller
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