Connections 2020
Connection2020. - Registration Ends on 10/21/2020.
Partnership with Shenandoah Valley Small Business Development Center.
Working today, tomorrow and in the future
- Welcome by Frank Oncken
- Presentation: Horizons 2025 - Nine Influences Shaping the Next Decade (American Chambers of Commerce Executives research)
- Adjusting to the current work environment (Interactive Session)
- Is "remote working" working? - What are the benefits and challenges for both employers and employees?
- How do you keep morale and engagement up during remote work, fewer employees on the job, social distancing and/or Plexiglas workspaces?
- Looking into the future - (Interactive Session)
- Looking ahead - What do you see the "new" work or business environment looking like going forward?
- How have or can you adjust the work environment going forward if today's guidelines and protocols stay in place indefinitely? (building and maintaining a company culture, onboarding new employees with no in-person interaction, fewer opportunities to interact at the workplace, increased virtual meetings)
- Have you or your employer already shifted your business model with current conditions? Are you evaluating the current business model? What are the driving forces behind any change?
- The Chamber of the Future - (Interactive Session)
- What do you see or envision for the Chamber of Commerce, insuring that the Chamber remains relevant in the future to the business community and community-at-large?
- Conclusion by Dr. Melissa Lubin

Date and Time
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Time 1:30-3:00 pm
Virtual Event
Free with pre-registration (registration ends 10/21/2020)