Rockingham County, Virginia Comprehensive Plan Update 2022 - 2024
Rockingham County, Virginia Comprehensive Plan Update 2022 - 2024

Rockingham County is revising and updating its Comprehensive Plan!
The Comprehensive Plan is a community-driven document that sets a vision and goals for the future of Rockingham County over the next 10 to 20 years.
The Comprehensive Plan addresses topics such as land use, development, economic growth, transportation, and natural and cultural resources in the unincorporated areas of Rockingham County. The policies defined in the plan will guide the County’s future direction and priorities for growth, services, and land use regulation.
Updating the Comprehensive Plan will be a collaborative effort between Rockingham County’s Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, residents, business owners, and other stakeholders. Community information will be gathered and updated, and new priorities, goals, and strategies will be established based on input from community members. The Comprehensive Plan relies on public input, so we encourage the people of Rockingham County to be an active part of this process by participating in the public workshops and online survey!
To ensure the Comprehensive Plan and the Stone Spring Urban Development (UDA) Plan work in tandem to guide the overall vision and land use for the County, the UDA Plan is being modified to incorporate the same overarching concepts and terms as the updated Comprehensive Plan.
For more information or to get involved visit