Blue Ridge CASA for Children

Community Organizations
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM-5 PM
About Us
There are nearly 150 children and youth in foster care in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County on any given day. A child in foster care may have experienced physical, psychological, and/or emotional trauma. Only to endure long periods of uncertainty in the system as they wait to go home, be adopted, or see what happens next.
Highly-trained CASA volunteers step up to provide judges with the information they need to act in the child's best interest. Every detail helps judges move the child out of the system and into a permanent home. CASA volunteers ensure no matter the circumstances in the case—relating to family, living arrangement, permanency plan, or changeover in caseworker—the child has a stable, caring adult on their side. Research shows these consistent, positive relationships improve the trajectory of children long-term.
Having a CASA volunteer—a caring, consistent adult who listens, checks in, follows up, holds the system accountable, and puts the child's best interests before all others'—can make all the difference. A child with a CASA volunteer is half as likely to re-enter the foster care system.